
We often find our readers inquiring about their laptops’ Function or Fn keys. Every manufacturer has different functions for the Function keys of the laptop. Most manufacturers provide additional functions on the Function row of their keyboard. Some manufacturers, such as HP, also go the extra mile to ensure that their users are comfortable using their laptops per their wishes.

HP has provided their users the option to enable or disable the Fn keys to ensure a good user experience. You can also permanently disable the functions by entering the laptop’s BIOS. This flexibility ensures that the users can tweak it as per their wishes.

A common feature we get from website users is the option to disable the special function buttons on their keyboard. Most of these queries are from HP laptop users as these laptops enable the special functions of the Function keys by default. For example, if the F2 key of the laptop also has the function to reduce the screen’s brightness, the reduce brightness function is the default setting. To use the F2 button, you must press the ‘Fn’ key and then press ‘F2’.

Hence, let us better understand the function of the Function keys and how to disable it in HP laptops.

What are Function Keys?

Function Keys are a special type of keys on the keyboard that help you perform specialized functions on your laptop. These keys are laid as a row of 12 keys at the top of the keyboard, divided into three groups. These keys have specialized functions that enable the user to undertake these functions in a single keystroke.

The Function Keys can also be combined with other keys such as CTRL, ALT or SHIFT as shortcuts for different applications. For example, the key combo ‘ALT + F4′ closes most Windows OS applications. Having access to such shortcuts increases the users’ efficiency and enables them to undertake tasks quickly.

In laptops, the Function Keys also have another icon on the key, which is usually the secondary function of that key. These secondary functions can be accessed by pressing the ‘Fn’ button and the required key. For example, you can press the combo ‘Fn + F11’ key in HP laptops to mute the laptop since it also has the mute icon.

Usage of Function Keys

The Function Keys in laptops are required for several different purposes. These functions are universal in nature. Following are some of the common functions of the Function keys in a laptop:

  • F1 key is used to open the ‘Help’ option in applications.
  • F2 key is used to rename files if it is selected when a Windows Explorer window is open.
  • F3 key is used to open the ‘Search’ function in open applications.
  • F4 key is used to access the address bar of open applications.
  • F5 key is used to refresh the open screen.
  • F6 key is used to select the entire URL inside the address bar of internet browsers.
  • F10 key is used to open the menu bar of internet browsers.
  • F11 key is used to activate the ‘Full-screen’ mode in open applications.

Disable Fn Key in HP Laptop without BIOS

HP is a user-centric company, and it reflects in its products and laptops. An excellent example of this is the easy option they have provided for disabling the Function Keys without entering the BIOS.

To disable the Function keys, you need to start your laptop. Once on the Windows desktop, press and hold the ‘Fn’ key and then press the ‘Shift’ key. It will disable the Fn keys, and you will be able to use the primary functions of the Fn keys in the laptop.

Disable Fn Key in HP Laptop using BIOS

For disabling the Function Keys using the BIOS, you need to perform the following steps:

  • Switch on your HP laptop and repeatedly press the ‘F10’ button until you see that the laptop is entering the BIOS utility.
  • Once you enter BIOS, hit the right or left keys to switch tabs and select the ‘System Configuration’ window.
  • Use the arrow keys and select the ‘Action Keys Mode’ option by hitting the ‘Enter’ key.
  • Select the arrow keys to choose the ‘Disabled’ option and hit ‘Enter’ to select it.
  • Once the changes are made, you need to hit the ‘F10’ key to save the changed settings.


Using the steps given above, you can disable the Function Keys of all HP laptops. These steps will save time and effort whenever you require the help of Fn keys. Disabling the function of the Fn key ensures that you can use their primary functions whenever required. Hence, bookmark this article to open and follow the steps whenever needed.